
training made simple


We’ve been developing and delivering top quality training solutions for the food industry for more than 25 years.

We offer relevant, accessible and easy-to-use compliance e-learning courses, industry-leading learning management systems and bespoke platforms as well as top-notch consultancy. People can learn at their own pace, track their progress and record achievements while our reporting systems make it easy to provide data and establish compliance.

Instructor-led training embraces advanced rapid learning techniques, promoting a collaborative learning environment where people truly participate and get the most from their training.

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our services


Our in-house team create exceptional online training content from individual courses to individual packages that can be used across the food industry, manufacturing and processing sector and others.


We work with companies to solve problems and improve efficiency. Our consultancy services see us work with companies, big and small, to help them understand their food safety standards, their systems and how they assess compliance.

online training

While many organisations opt for our e-learning courses, some prefer classroom-based training. Sometimes there is no substitute for face-to-face learning and the experience of people who have been working in the sector for more than 25 years.


The first mobile-dedicated training platform for the food industry, fourpoint is app-based and delivers training through tablets and mobile phones. This lets users access training and information at a time and place that suits them.