Podcast – How to become a
BRCGS Auditor


In series two we are going to be looking at different elements and requirements of the BRCGS Global Standard for Food Safety standard and provide an easy to understand summary of the key topics.  Series two is starting off with explaining how to become a BRCGS Food Safety Auditor.

As part of this series we will be offering a 15% discount voucher for any of our BRCGS traditional courses.  Details of how to obtain it will be given at the end of the podcast.


  • The role certification bodies play in training someone to become a BRCGS Auditor

Specific BRCGS requirements to become an auditor:

  • Education
  • Work Experience
  • Qualifications
  • Audit Training


This podcast was brought to you by totrain and featured John Husband from totrain. It was directed and produced by Bethany Donkin and featured Peter Henry asking the questions. Join us next time for more insight to the BRCGS Global Standards Food Safety standard.

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Check out our range of BRCGS, Food Safety and HACCP courses by clicking the button below.

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