Briefing Note 7 – BRCGS Global Standard Food Safety Issue 8 to 9

Clauses 7: Personnel

This is the seventh BRCGS Global standard Food Safety Issue 8 to 9 briefing sheet and in this briefing sheet we are going to look at the main changes to Clause 7 Personnel. To understand all the changes from issue 8 to 9 it is recommended you download the draft version of the standard issued on 6.12.2021 and read in conjunction with this briefing note.

We will also be issuing a briefing note when the standard is published on the 1st August comparing any amendments from the draft standard to the published standard.

The Briefing Note has been prepared by John Husband who is BRCGS Approved Principal Training Partner and has been delivering BRCGS training for totrain and on behalf of BRCGS for over 20 years.

Clause 7: Personnel

Clause Clause subject Details of main changes
7.3 Medical screening Statement of intent has been reworded to include “transmission of infections, diseases, or conditions”.
7.4.3 Laundering Additional text added to clarify when an employee can wash their own PPE e.g.

Washing of protective clothing by the employee is exceptional but shall be acceptable where:

– the protective clothing is not used for product safety purposes, for example, it is used to protect the employee from the products handled

– and the protective clothing is worn in enclosed product or low-risk areas only.


M: 0780 3136598
